Sunday, January 24, 2010

Please feel free to leave comments or questions for me to answer. This should be an open dialogue. We also have 5 Haitians who are working with us. They would love to answer any questions you might have


  1. I am Kasey's mom and love your blog. What is the name of the orphanage and what are their specific needs?

  2. Thanks so much for keeping us at home informed of things in Haiti. We've collected medical supplies for the 2nd and 3rd teams to bring over there. What I want to know is since you've been there, what else do you need (i.e. baby food, clothing, etc.)? People have been praying and donating and wanting to know what else they can do or donate. Thank you so much for what you're doing and we look forward to hearing more about the trip. - Jennifer Charand

  3. Because shipping supplies is so expensive Dr K has asked that only monetary donations be sent. You can donate through the website at We have two buses that are ferrying supplies and team from the Dominican Republic and Haiti. They purchase supplies while they are in Santo Domingo with the donated money. If you want to contribute to the orphanage please put "Hope Orphanage,Haiti" in the subject line. Thank you for all of the help

  4. As we follow along on your BLOG, we will be praying.

  5. We are taking supplies for women and babies at Chestnut Mountain Church. We are looking for items like formula, diapers and any items that would be necessary in the care of babies. Femenine hygene products have also been requested.
