Saturday, January 30, 2010

Cuz mamma.. Mamma I'm coming home

On the bus now. Our gear is loaded and we are headed to the airport to drop Angela off at the Hospital. She is such a talent. All of the medical team was incredible.

Only 12 more hours to go until SD. Then on to Miami and then home.

It has been a pleasure writing this blog. It's allowed me to clear my head at night and prepare for the next day. I truly believe it was not words poured out. Your comments were all appreciated and I hope I was able to answer any questions you had. Please continue to follow because I know I will be..........


  1. Will anyone in Haiti continue the BLOG?

  2. I believe Aaron will be blogging after today

  3. Thank you for your blogs...for allowing us at home a small glimpse of what is over there. We appreciate it more than you'll ever I'm sure, our new brothers and sisters in Christ are as well. We will continue to follow this blog and pray for the teams and the people of Haiti. Safe travels....

  4. Thanks Damon, enjoy your witings. God Bless.

  5. Thanks for the kind words. I did my best

  6. Praying all is well with you. Let Angela know that Lori and Kristin love her and are thinking of her. Peace be with you!
