Friday, January 29, 2010

5000 Feet

I'm lying here in the dark and I'm having trouble with the blog. It's not because I don't have anything to say. Anyone who knows me or who reads the blog knows I'm not short on words. 

I have too much in my head perhaps I've seen too much. Perhaps.........

Today was like yesterday. Only double!!!! Our clinic was packed all day. Helping Hands was the only mission in the plaza of 600,000. The crowds were bigger and the evangelism larger. Was this what it was like for Jesus. 1000's of spiritually hungry people thirsting for more than water. I don't know. I keep going back to Matthew. 

Andy and I transported more people to the Hurricanes Hospital. They accepted them without question. Aaron transported a malaria case and a TB patient to another hospital. 

At the clinic, the medical staff processed baby after baby. Eddy from Germany held and rocked more little babies to sleep than he could count. The wound care center patched up patients left and right. An 11 year old girl orphaned two weeks ago was taken in and transported to the mountain top orphanage. She is safe now.  

It all went so well...... For a street clinic we did the job. We did it well. 

  Peering down from a high elevation whether physically or theoretically, has always been my typical approach to most scenerios. I don't know if it's a leadership trait or just an organizational skill. What I do gain is a better understanding of how the whole picture fits together. 

Like the day before I rode back to the capital from the airport. Fallen buildings on each side of the van.  There was no sliding door so it was wide open and I joked with the military guys about it being my gunners door. We all laughed for a second. 

As I lay here tonight, I realize that is exactly what it was. I was peering out from 5000 ft looking at the city. I can clearly see the damage and dispair. The wind is whipping past my face. We are moving to fast at times to see faces but they all show sadness. 

In the middle of it all was our team. The only mission in the plaza. Allowing the thirsty to drink. 

In the morning I Ieave for the DR. The miracles will continue as will the blog. It's a story about the rebuilding of Haiti from our perspective on the ground. 

This same storey is told in the Gospels. 

In the background I hear Haitians singing. They are praising God and thanking Him as they stand among the ruins of their home. Even here there is light in the dark. 

1 comment:

  1. God has certainly placed your team to be the LIGHT...continue to shine brightly. Ya'll are certainly covered in prayers. We love ya'll.
